Toxic Foods Dogs can not eat

Toxic foods dogs can not eat

You must know what your dog eat to stay healthy and which toxic foods dogs can not eat and should be avoided. There are many human foods that are toxic to dogs and should be avoided. Some of the most common toxic foods for dogs include chocolate, avocado, onions and garlic, grapes and raisins and alcohol. Other foods that can be harmful to dogs include macadamia nuts, corn on the cob, and raw meat and fish. If you suspect your dog has eaten something toxic, it is important to seek emergency help right away. Signs of poisoning or an allergic reaction include vomiting, muscle shakes, fever, intense scratching, weakness in the limbs, diarrhea, breathing problems, and sluggishness.

Here are most toxic foods dogs can not eat :

1- Chocolate

Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, which contain a lot of calories. It can cause symptoms of vomiting or dehydration, abdominal pain, severe agitation, irregular heartbeat, and high body temperature.

2-Milk, cream and cheese

Milk contains milk sugar and dogs do not possess the enzymes needed to digest them. The use of milk for the dog may lead to vomiting, diarrhea and digestive problems and can expose the dog to serious bacteria.
As dogs grow into adulthood, their ability to digest dairy products is reduced because they lack enzymes to do so. This means that they can show signs of lactose intolerance if they drink milk, eat cream or cheese, such as diarrhea and stomach disorder.

As dogs grow into adulthood, their ability to digest dairy products is reduced because they lack enzymes to do so. This means that they can show signs of lactose intolerance if they drink milk, eat cream or cheese, such as vomiting, diarrhea and stomach disorder.

If you think your dog has eaten something he should have eaten, it is necessary to get advice from the vet immediately. These toxic foods should also be kept out of the dog’s reach to ensure that he only eats the best food for him.

3-Onions and Garlic

Onions don’t just cry the dog like a human. But it contains compounds that can be harmful to dogs if consumed repeatedly by the dog. It also damages red blood cells, making them vulnerable, reducing their mobility and requiring blood transfusions.

Garlic is the same as onion. But it’s more dangerous than it is. It has highly toxic substances for dogs. It af


It is one of the most toxic foods dogs can not eat.
Although they may look healthy, you should avoid giving the dog any nuts to eat. Their size makes them the risk of asphyxiation, and they are rich in fat that can disturb your pet’s stomach. In particular, macadamia nuts have proved highly toxic to dogs – although they tend not to cause deaths, they can cause your dog’s inability to walk, vomiting, lethargy and trembling.


Grapes and raisins can cause the dog rapid kidney failure, as well as symptoms of vomiting, diarrhoea and lack of appetite. Death due to kidney failure may occur within three to four days.


Avocado is no less dangerous than the rest of the foods we mentioned for dogs. It causes shortness of breath with a lot of disorders for the dog, as well as accumulation of water in the dog’s chest resulting in rapid death.


Yes, lanchon is harmful to dogs. It is not recommended for dogs because it contains many additives, inclined substances. Sodium and spices that should not be given to dogs. Lanchon also is not recommended to humans for the same damages. It is better for dogs to eat from their own foods for the following reasons:

When a lanchon is presented to dogs in a regular manner, this can lead to the addiction of dogs to lanchon eaters. It contains some spices that make it distinctive and appetizing make dogs relate to it, and these spices cause many problems in the digestive tract of dogs.
Lanchon contains large amounts of salt and this may cause diarrhea for dogs, or may cause the death of dogs.
The presence of corn syrup in some lanchon products, which is one of the most important elements used in the lanchon industry to improve its taste. Dogs really do not need these ingredients that lead dogs to diabetes and heart disease.


While caffeine is not toxic to dogs, it has the same effect as it does to humans on them – and because it is more sensitive to these effects.

it can be annoying and uncomfortable for them. If your dog consumes even a small amount of caffeine, it may become overactive or start to feel trembling.

9-Fried and Heraty Foods

Your dog can not eat fried and hearty foods it can be harmful to people, they can also be toxic to dogs. High fat foods can cause your dog to develop stomach disorders and can also contribute to pancreatitis in some dogs. In addition, regular consumption of these types of foods can lead to obesity and related health problems

10-Abnormal localities

Xylitol is an industrial sweetener found in gum, sugar-free peanut butter, toothpaste and other products, derived from solid wood trees. Excessive consumption of xylitol can cause bloating, abdominal bloating and diarrhea in humans – but for dogs, xylitol is toxic. It is important to keep products containing xylitol away from places where the dog can eat them, even if accidentally.

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